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Forgot PIN

Forgot PIN feature is provided for resetting PIN so it can be used again for login. it can send to the server and the server will send an email which is registered in the username account (Figure below).

Forgot PIN Flow
image 1 CLManagePasswordHandler

CLManagePassword class main to do forgot pin function and this doChangePassword this method as execution

void doChangePassword(String userName);

doChangePassword(String userName)This function is used to process forget the pin. ICLManagePasswordService

ICLManagePasswordService is a protocol provided by CLManagePasswordHandler. This will return the forgot PIN response via the delegation method every time it is successful or wrong. Make sure the protocol is placed in the class and set the delegation from CLManagePasswordHandler before forgot PIN.

The CLManagePasswordService interfaces has methods/callbacks:

  • When forgot PIN is success

  • When forgot PIN is failed

onManagePasswordSuccess(CLManageResponse response);This function used if forgot pin process is success.
onManagePasswordError(CLErrorResponse error);This function used if forgot pin process return failed.