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Payment History Detail

Payment history detail feature is to show detail of one payment transaction from list payment history. It contains a data card, amount, payment status, etc. Below is Payment History Detail flow (Figure Below).

Payment History Detail Flow
image 1

Payment history detail feature is to show detail of one payment transaction from list payment history. it contains a data card, amount, payment status, etc. CLPaymentHistoryDetailHandler

CLPaymentHistoryDetailhandler is a class for handling payment history detail requests.

doGetSalesHistoryDetail(String transactionId)this function gets transaction detail based on transaction identifier
This function gets transaction detail based on transaction identifier

CLPaymenetHistoryDetailHandler is a class for handling payment detail requests. ICLPaymentHistoryDetailService

CLPaymentHistoryDetailService is protocol provided from CLPaymentHistoryDetailHandler. It will return a response through the delegate method whenever it throws a success or an error. Make sure that protocol is placed in class and set a delegate from CLPaymentHistoryDetailHandler before sending the data (Table ICLLoginService, in section ICLLoginService).

onSalesHistoryDetailSuccessThis callback is called to get the transaction details.
onSalesHistoryDetailErrorThis callback is called when user can't see transaction detail history because there is error
onSalesHistoryImageSuccessThis callback is called when success showing image
onSalesHistoryImageErrorThis callback is called when fail showing image