CLPaymentHandler class mempunyai fungsi untuk melakukan pembayaran dan menyiapkan prasyarat yang diperlukan. ICLPaymentService antarmuka protokol ini digunakan untuk menerima payment responses dari SDK. Berikut adalah alur Pembyaran (Gambar di bawah). Komunikasi antar classes harus menggunakan CLPayment.
Alur Pembayaran ICLPaymentHandler
ICLPaymentHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran, koneksi reader, dan Lokasi GPS (Tabel TransactionType, pada seksi TransactionType). Sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan hal tersebut dapat meng-update lokasi karena data lokasi diperlukan untuk transaksi pembayaran karena data lokasi diperlukan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Kemudian pastikan Reader Companion terhubung untuk pembayaran yang menggunakan kartu.
Methods | Description |
doConnectionLocationProvider() | This function updates payment locations and must be called before payment transaction. |
doStartPayment(ICLPaymentService) | This function to start payment transaction |
doProceedCashPayment(CLPayment payment) | This function to process Cash payment |
doProceedInstallmentPayment(CLPayment payment); | This function to process Card payment Installment. |
doProceedPayment(CLPayment payment) | This function to process Card payment by using location set during doStartPayment |
doProceedDebitTransferPayment(CLPayment payment); | This function to process Debit transfer payment |
doConfirmDebitTransferPayment(Boolean isCancelled); | This function to confirm Debit Transfer payment transaction Detail |
doCheckReaderCompanion(); | Automatically connect to reader |
doCheckPrinterCompanion() | Automatically connect to printer |
doProceedSignature(String signature) | This function is to send signature for signature verification payment |
doStopUpdateLocation(); | To stop requesting location updates |
doUnregisterReceiver(); | To check unregister receiver |
doCloseCompanionConnection(); | This function to disconnect between reader with mobile phone |
doPrint(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | To print receipt |
doPrintFreeText(ArrayList<CLPrintObject>freeText;) | To print receipt with free text |
doLogout() | To exit from app |
doCancelTransaction(); | To Cancel Transaction Payment |
doProceedGoPayPayment(CLPaymentpaymen); | To generate Transaction QRIS |
doCheckGoPayStatus(CLGoPayQRResponse goPayQRResponse); | To check Status Transaction QRIS(Pending/Success) |
doPrintGoPay(CLGoPayQRResponse goPayQRResponse); | To Print Receipt Transaction after payment success |
doPrintQRGopay(Bitmap bitmap); | To Print QRIS Gopay |
doProceedKredivoPayment(CLPayment payment); | To generate Transaction QR Paylater |
doCheckKredivoStatus(CLKredivoResponse kredivoPayQRResponse); | To check Status Transaction QR Paylater(Pending/Success) |
doPrintKredivo(CLKredivoResponse kredivoPayQRResponse); | To Print Receipt after Payment Success |
doPrintShopeePayReceipt(CLShopeePayQrResponse paymentResponse); | To Print Receipt after Payment Success |
doProceedShopeePayQr(CLPayment payment); | To generate Transaction Shopee Pay QRIS |
doInquiryShopeePayQr(CLShopeePayQrResponse paymentResponse); | To check status |
doPrintQRContent(Bitmap qrValue); | To Print QRIS Shopee Pay | ICLPaymentService
ICLPaymentService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLPaymentHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate method ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLPaymentHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLPaymentService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Methods | Desription |
onReaderSuccess(CLReaderCompanion reader); | this callback is called when is reader found |
onReaderError(CLErrorResponse error); | this callback is called when is reader not found/error |
onPrinterSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printercompanion); | callback when success printing receipt transaction |
onPrinterError(CLErrorResponse error); | callback when fail printing receipt transaction |
onInsertCreditCard(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | callback when system accept payment with insert credit card |
onInsertOrSwipeDebitCard(CLPaymentResponse paymentresponse); | callback when system accept payment with insert/swipe debitcard |
onSwipeDebitCard(CLPaymentResponse paymentresponse); | callback when cashlez reader recognize a debit card has been swiped |
onRemoveCard(String removeCard) | callback when reader ask card to be removed |
onProvideSignatureRequest(CLPaymentResponse paymentresponse); | callback when signature has to be submitted |
onProvideSignatureError(CLErrorResponse error); | callback when signature is failed or error |
onSignatureTimeout(CLErrorResponse error); | callback when cashlez reader give a timeout during provide signature to server |
onPaymentTimeout(CLErrorResponse error); | callback when transaction request received request timeout, check last transaction to confirm transactionStatus |
onPaymentDebitTransferRequestConfirmation(CLTransferDetail detail); | callback is called to return transfer detail and ask confirmation |
onCashPaymentSuccess(CLPaymentResponse response) | Callback status with cash payment transaction is success |
onCashPaymentError(CLErrorResponse) | callback status with cash payment transaction is error/fail |
onPaymentError(CLErrorResponse error); | callback status when transaction status is error/fail |
onPaymentSuccess(CLPaymentResponse response); | callback status when transaction status is success |
onQROnReaderTimeout() | |
onUpdateHardwareProgress(double percentage); | callback status progress to update reader |
onGetHardwareInfoSuccess(Hashtable<String, String> data) | callback to read info hardware is success |
onGetHardwareInfoError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback to read info hardware is fail/Error |
onUpdateHardwareFirmawareSuccess(String message) | callback to update hardware Firmware reader/printer is success |
onUpdateHardwareFirmawareError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback to update hardware Firmware reader/printer is error/fail |
onUpdateHardwareConfigurationSuccess(String message) | callback to updateHardwareConfiguration reader/printer is success |
onUpdateHardwareConfigurationError(CLErrorResponse error); | callback to updateHardwareConfiguration reader/printer is error |
onGoPaySuccess(CLGoPayQRResponse qrResponse); | callback when generate QR Payment is success |
onGoPayError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when generate QR Payment is fail or error |
onCheckGoPayStatusSuccess(CLGoPayQRResponse paymentResponse); | callback when check status transaction success |
onCheckGoPayStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when check status transaction is fail or error |
onKredivoSuccess(CLKredivoResponse response); | callback when generate QR payment is success |
onKredivoError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when generate QR is fail or error |
onCheckKredivoStatusSuccess(CLKredivoResponse response); | callback when check status transaction success |
onCheckKredivoStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when check status transaction is fail or error |
onShopeePayQrSuccess(CLShopeePayQrResponse paymentResponse); | callback when generate QRIS payment is success |
onShopeePayQrError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when generate QRIS is fail or error |
onShopeePayQrCheckStatusSuccess(CLShopeePayQrResponse paymentResponse); | callback when check status transaction success |
onShopeePayQrCheckStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when check status transaction is fail or error |
onShopeePayQrVoidSuccess(CLVoidResponse paymentResponse); | callback when void transaction is success |
onShopeePayQrVoidError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when void transaction is error |
doPrintNobuQRReceipt(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | To print Receipt Nobu QRIS after payment successed |
doPrintNobuQRCode(Bitmap bitmap); | To Print QRIS Nobu |
doProceedNobuQRPayment(CLPayment payment); | To Generate Reception Nobu QRIS |
doInquiryNobuQRPayment(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | To Check Status QRIS Nobu | ICLArtajasaVAHandler
ICLArtajasaVAHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran ARTAJASA VA, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartArtajasaVAHandler(); | this function is used to start with VA |
doStopArtajasaVAHAndler(); | this function is used to stop VA activity |
doResumeArtajasaVAHandler(); | this function is used to resume VA Activity |
doProceedArtajasaVAPayment(CLPayment payment, LocationUpdater locationupdate, LocationModel locationModel) | this function is used to process transaction payment Artajasa VA with location as parameter to remove the need of invoking doStartVaHandler beforehand |
doProceedArtajasaVAPayment(CLPayment payment); | this function is used to process transaction payment Artajasa VA |
doCheckStatusVA(CLPaymentResponse artajasaVAResponse) | this function is used to check status transaction VA |
doPrintArtajasaVA(CLPaymentResponse artajasaVAResponse) | this function is used to print receipt after payment success | ICLArtajasaVAService
ICLArtajasaVAService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLArtajasaVAHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate method ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLArtajasaVAHandler sebelum mengirimkan datanya. ICLArtajasaService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Methods | Description |
onArtajasaGenerateVASuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | callback when generate vanumber is succes |
onArtajasaGenerateVAError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when generate vanumber is fail/error |
onArtajasaCheckStatusSuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | callback when status transaction va is success |
onArtajasaCheckStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when status transaction va is error/fail |
onPrinterSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printerCompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrinterError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback printing receipt is error/fail | ICLBcaVaHandler
ICLBcaVaHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran BCA VA, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Methods | Description |
doStartBcaVaHandler(); | this function is used to start with VA |
doStopBcaVaHandler(); | this function is used to stop VA activity |
doResumeBcaVaHandler(); | this function is used to resume VA Activity |
doBcaVaCheckStatus(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | this function is used to check status transaction VA |
doProceedBcaVaPayment(CLPayment payment); | this function is used to process transaction payment BCA VA |
doPrintBcaVaReceipt(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | this function is used to print receipt after payment success | ICLBcaVaService
ICLBcaVaService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLBcaVaHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate method ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLBcaVaHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLBcaVaService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Methods | Description |
onBcaVaGenerateSuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | callback when generate vanumber is succes |
onBcaVaGenerateError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when generate vanumber is fail/error |
onBcaVaCheckStatusSuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | callback when status transaction va is success |
onBcaVaCheckStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when status transaction va is error/fail |
onPrinterSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printerCompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrinterError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback printing receipt is error/fail | ICLPermataVAHandler
ICLPermataVAHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran Permata VA, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartPermataVAHandler(); | this function is used to start with VA |
doStopPermataVAHandler(); | this function is used to stop VA activity |
doResumePermataVAHandler(); | this function is used to resume VA Activity |
doPermataCheckStatusVA(CLPaymentResponse permataVAResponse) | this function is used to check status transaction VA |
doProceedPermataVAPayment(CLPayment payment); | this function is used to process transaction payment Permata VA |
doPrintPermataVaReceipt(CLPaymentResponse permataVAResponse) | this function is used to print receipt after payment success | ICLPermataVAService
ICLPermataVAService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLPermataVAHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate method ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLPermataVAHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLPermataVAService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Method | Description |
onPermataGenerateVASuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | callback when generate vanumber is succes |
onPermataGenerateVAError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when generate vanumber is fail/error |
onPermataCheckStatusSuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | callback when status transaction va is success |
onPermataCheckStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when status transaction va is error/fail |
onPrinterSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printerCompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrinterError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback printing receipt is error/fail | ICLGoPayQRHandler
ICLGoPayQRHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran GoPay, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartGoPayHandler() | this function is used to start with QRISPayment |
doResumeGoPayHandler() | this function is used to resume activity QRISPayment |
doStopGoPayHandler() | this function is used to stop activity QRISPayment |
doProceedGoPayPayment(CLPayment payment, LocationUpdater locationUpdate, LocationModel locationmodel) | this function is used to process transaction payment QRISPayment (Gopay) with location as parameter to remove the need of invoking doStartGoPayHandler beforehand |
doCheckGoPayQRStatus(CLPaymentResponse paymentresponse) | this function is used to check status transaction payment QRISPayment (Gopay) |
doProceedGoPayPayment(CLPayment payment) | this function is used to process transaction payment QRISPayment (Gopay) |
doPrintQRContent(Bitmap qrCode) | this function to process print qrcode |
doPrintGoPay(CLPaymentResponse paymentresponse) | this function to process print receipt after status transaction Approved (100) | ICLGoPayQRService
ICLGoPayQRService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLGoPayQRHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate method ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLGoPayQRHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLGoPayQRService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Method | Description |
onGoPayQRSuccess(CLPaymentResponse qrResponse) | Callback when generate qrpayment is success |
onGoPayQRError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when generate qrpayment is fail/Error |
onCheckGoPayStatusSuccess(CLPaymentResponse qrResponse) | callback when status transaction is Success |
onCheckGoPayStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when status transaction is error |
onPrinterSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printerCompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrinterError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback printing receipt is error/fail | ICLShopeePayQrHandler
ICLShopeePayQrHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran ShopeePay, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartHandlerShopeepay() | this function is used to start with QRISPayment |
doResumeHandlerShopeepay() | this function is used to resume activity QRISPayment |
doStopHandlerShopeepay() | this function is used to stop activity QRISPayment |
doProceedShopeePayQr(CLPayment payment, LocationUpdater locationUpdate, LocationModel locationmodel) | this function is used to process transaction payment QRISPayment (ShopeePay) with location as parameter to remove the need of invoking doStartGoPayHandler beforehand |
doInquiryShopeePayQr(CLPaymentResponse paymentresponse) | this function is used to check status transaction payment QRISPayment (ShopeePay) |
doProceedShopeePayQr(CLPayment payment) | this function is used to process transaction payment QRISPayment (Gopay) |
doPrintQRContent(Bitmap qrCode) | this function to process print qrcode |
doPrintShopeePayReceipt(CLPaymentResponse paymentresponse) | this function to process print receipt after status transaction Approved (100) |
doVoidShopeePayQr(String username, String password, CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | this function is used to process void payment | ICLShopeePayQrService
ICLShopeePayQrService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLShopeePayQrHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate method ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLShopeePayQrHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLShopeePayQrService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Method | Description |
onShopeePayQrSuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | Callback when generate qrpayment is success |
onShopeePayQrError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when generate qrpayment is fail/Error |
onShopeePayQrCheckStatusSuccess(CLPayment Response paymentResponse) | callback when status transaction is Success |
onShopeePayQrCheckStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when status transaction is error |
onPrinterSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printerCompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
`onPrinterError(CLErrorResponse error) | `callback printing receipt is error/fail |
onShopeePayQrVoidSuccess(CLVoidResponse paymentResponse) | callback when status void transaction is success |
onShopeePayQrVoidError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when status void transaction is error | ICLTcashQRHandler
ICLTcashQRHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran Link AJA, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartTCashHandler() | this function is used to start with QRISPayment |
doResumeTCashHandler() | this function is used to resume activity QRISPayment |
doStopTCashHandler() | this function is used to stop activity QRISPayment |
doProceedTCashQRPayment(CLPayment payment, LocationUpdater locationUpdate, LocationModel locationmodel) | this function is used to process transaction payment QRISPayment (Link Aja) with location as parameter to remove the need of invokingdoStartGoPayHandler beforehand |
doCheckTCashQRStatus(CLTCashQRResponse qrResponse) | this function is used to check status transaction payment QRISPayment (Link Aja) |
doProceedTCashQRPayment(CLPayment payment) | this function is used to process transaction payment QRISPayment (Link Aja) |
doPrintQRContent(Bitmap qrCode) | this function to process print qrcode |
doPrintTcashQR(CLTCashQRResponse responseReceipt) | this function to process print receipt after status transaction Approved (100) |
doVoidTcashQRPayment(String username, String password, CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | this function is used to process void payment | ICLTCashQRService
ICLTCashQRService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLTCashQRHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate method ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLTCashQRHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLTCashQRService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Method | Description |
onTCashQRSuccess(CLTCashQRResponse qrResponse) | Callback when generate qrpayment is success |
onTCashQRError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when generate qrpayment is fail/Error |
onCheckTCashQRStatusSuccess(CLTCashQRResponse paymentResponse) | callback when status transaction is Success |
onCheckTCashQRStatusError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when status transaction is error |
onPrinterSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printerCompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrinterError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback printing receipt is error/fail |
onVoidTcashQRSuccess(CLVoidResponse paymentResponse) | callback when status void transaction is success |
onVoidTcashQRError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback when status void transaction is error | ICLVospayHandler
ICLVospayHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran Vospay, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartVospayHandler() | this function is used to start with Vospay |
doResumeVospayHandler() | this function is used to resume activity Vospay |
doStopVospayHandler() | this function is used to stop activity Vospay |
doProceedVospayPayment() | this function is used to process transaction payment Vospay with location as parameter to remove the need of invoking doStartVospayHandler beforehand |
doInquiryVospayPayment | this function is used to check status transaction payment Vospay |
doVoidedVospayPayment() | this function is invoked to void payment Vospay |
doPrintReceiptVospay() | this function to process print receipt after status transaction Approved (100) | ICLVospayService
ICLVospayService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLVospayHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate methode ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLVospayHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLVospayService interface memiliki methods/callbacks (Error! References source not found).
Methods | Description |
onVospayPaymentSuccess(CLPaymentResponse response) | Callback when push vospay payment is success |
onVospayPaymentError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback when push vospay is fail/error |
onVospayInquirySuccess(CLPaymentResponse response) | callback when status transaction is Success |
onVospayInquiryError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback when status transaction is error |
onVospayVoidedPaymentSuccess(CLVoidResponse response) | callback when status void transaction is success |
onVospayVoidedPaymentError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback when status void transaction is error/fail |
onPrintingSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printercompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrintingError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback printing receipt is error/fail | ICLOvoHandler
ICLOvoHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran OVO, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartOvoHandler() | this function is used to start with Ovo |
doResumeOvoHandler() | this function is used to resume activity OVO |
doStopOvoHandler() | this function is used to stop activity OVO |
doOvoPayment(CLPayment payment, LocationUpdater locationUpdater, LocationModel locationModel) | this function is used to process transaction payment OVO with location as parameter to remove the need of invoking doStartPushToPayHandler beforehand |
doOvoPayment(CLPayment payment) | this function is used to process transaction payment OVO |
doOvoInquiry | this function is used to check status transaction payment OVO |
doOvoVoidPayment | this function is invoked to void payment OVO |
doPrintOvo | this function to process print receipt after status transaction Approved (100) | ICLOvoService
ICLOvoService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLOvoHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate methode ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLOvoHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLOvoService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Method | Description |
onOvoPaymentSuccess(CLPaymentResponse response) | Callback when pustopay OVO is success |
onOvoPaymentError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback when pustopay OVO is fail/Error |
onOvoInquirySuccess(CLPaymentResponse response) | callback when status transaction is Success |
onOvoInquiryError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback when status transaction is error |
onOvoVoidPaymentSuccess(CLVoidResponse response) | callback when status void transaction is success |
onOvoVoidPaymentError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback when status void transaction is error/fail |
onPrintingSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printercompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrintingError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback printing receipt is error/fail | ICLCashlezLinkService
Method | Description |
onCzLinkGenerateUrlSuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse) | Callback when the payment link successfully generated |
onCzLinkGenerateUrlError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | Callback when the payment link failed to generate |
onPrintingSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printerCompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrintingError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback printing receipt is error/fail | ICLKredivoHandler
ICLKredivoHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran Kredivo, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartKredivoHandler() | this function is used to start with Kredivo |
doResumeKredivoHandler() | this function is used to resume activity Kredivo |
doStopKredivoHandler() | this function is used to stop activity Kredivo |
doProceedKredivoPayment(CLPayment payment, LocationUpdater locationUpdater, LocationModel locationModel) | this function is used to process transaction payment Kredivo with location as parameter to remove the need of invoking doStartVospayHandler beforehand |
doCheckKredivoStatus | this function is used to check status transaction payment Kredivo |
doProceedKredivoPayment() | this function is used to process transaction payment Kredivo |
doPrintKredivo() | this function to process print receipt after status transaction Approved (100) |
doPrintKredivoQR | this function to print QRCode | ICLKredivoService
ICLKredivoService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLKredivoHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate methode ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLKredivoHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLKredivoService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Method | Description |
onKredivoSuccess(CLPaymentResponse response) | Callback when pustopay Kredivo is success |
onKredivoError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback when pustopay Kredivo is fail/Error |
onCheckKredivoStatusSuccess(CLPaymentResponse response) | callback when status transaction is Success |
onCheckKredivoStatusError(CLErrorResponse error) | callback when status transaction is error |
onPrintingSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printercompanion) | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrintingError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse) | callback printing receipt is error/fail | ICLNobuQRHandler
ICLNobuQRHandler adalah sebuah class untuk menangani transaksi pembayaran Nobu, koneksi reader dan lokasi GPS, sebelum melakukan pembayaran, pastikan lokasinya ter-update karena data lokasi dibutuhkan untuk transaksi pembayaran. Lalu juga pastikan reader companion terhubung untuk transaksi pembayaran.
Method | Description |
doStartHandlerNobuQris() | this function is used to start with QRISPayment |
doResumeHandlerNobuQris() | this function is used to resume activity QRISPayment |
doStopHandlerNobuQris() | this function is used to stop activity QRISPayment |
doPayNobuQris(CLPayment payment); | this function is used to process transaction payment QRISPayment (Nobu) |
doPayNobuQris(CLPayment payment, LocationUpdater locationUpdater, LocationModel locationModel); | this function is used to process transaction payment QRISPayment (Nobu) with location as parameter to remove the need of invoking doStartGoPayHandler beforehand |
doCheckStatusNobuQris(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | this function is used to check status transaction payment QRISPayment (Nobu) |
doPrintQRContent(Bitmap qrCode) | this function to process print qrcode |
doPrintReceiptNobuQris(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | this function to process print receipt after status transaction Approved (100) |
doVoidNobuQris(String userName, String password, CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | this function is used to process void payment | ICLNobuQRService
ICLNobuQRService adalah protokol yang disediakan oleh ICLNobuPayQRHandler. Protokol ini mengembalikan sebuah response melalui delegate methode ketika protokol tersebut berhasil atau gagal. Pastikan protokol tersebut ditempatkan pada class dan tetapkan delegasinya dari ICLNobuQRHandler sebelum mengirim datanya. ICLNobuQRService interface memiliki methods/callbacks.
Method | Description |
onNobuQRPaymentSuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | Callback when generate qrpayment is success |
onNobuQRPaymentError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when generate qrpayment is fail/Error |
onNobuQRCheckStatusPaymentSuccess(CLPaymentResponse paymentResponse); | callback when status transaction is Success |
onNobuQRCheckStatusPaymentError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when status transaction is error |
onPrintingSuccess(CLPrinterCompanion printerCompanion); | callback printing receipt is success |
onPrintingError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback printing receipt is error/fail |
onNobuQRVoidPaymentSuccess(CLVoidResponse voidResponse); | callback when status void transaction is success |
onNobuQRVoidPaymentError(CLErrorResponse errorResponse); | callback when status void transaction is error |