1. | 1001 | Please fill Username and PIN |
2. | 1002 | Please fill Username |
3. | 1003 | Please fill PIN |
4. | 1004 | Username must be more than 3 characters in length |
5. | 1005 | PIN must be 6 characters in length |
6. | 1006 | Username and Pin too short |
7. | 1007 | Aggregator login data is needed |
8. | 1008 | Server public key is needed |
9. | 1009 | Aggregator id is needed |
10. | 1010 | Please fill activation code |
11. | 1011 | Fail handshake, please try again |
12. | 1012 | Fail to decrypt process |
13. | 1013 | Please provide valid reader companion |
14. | 1014 | Please fill message |
15. | 1015 | Please provide valid image path |
16. | 1016 | Upload image failed |
17. | 1017 | Image already exist |
18. | 1018 | Transaction Id required |
19. | 1019 | Download image failed |
20. | 1020 | Please provide valid payment data |
21. | 1021 | Location Service is not available |
22. | 1022 | Please update Location Service to continue the process |
23. | 1023 | Please provide valid signature |
24. | 1024 | Amount is not valid |
25. | 1025 | Please enable GPS |
26. | 1026 | Please wait, updating location |
27. | 1027 | Please provide transaction type |
28. | 1028 | No reader compainon paired |
29. | 1029 | You don't have Printer paired |
30. | 1030 | Bluetooth off |
31. | 1031 | Connect to printer failed |
32. | 1032 | Printer off |
33. | 1033 | Printer overheat |
34. | 1034 | Paper empty |
35. | 1035 | Please try again |
36. | 1036 | Printer battery low |
37. | 1037 | Please provide verification mode |
38. | 1038 | You're not connecting with your Reader companion, only CASH Transaction can proceed |
39. | 1039 | Waiting for reader |
40. | 1040 | Failed get companion serial number, check your companion |
41. | 1042 | Reader not connected |
42. | 1043 | Reader connection fail to start |
43. | 1044 | Reader waiting time out |
44. | 1045 | Transaction cancelled |
45. | 1046 | Error while processing |
46. | 1047 | Card expired |
47. | 1048 | Card data not valid |
48. | 1049 | Transaction declined |
49. | 1050 | Reader not activated |
50. | 1051 | Transaction failed |
51. | 1052 | Password is mandatory |
52. | 1053 | User data is mandatory |
53. | 1062 | Please fill old PIN and new PIN |
54. | 1063 | Please fill old PIN |
55. | 1064 | Please fill new PIN |
56. | 1065 | Old PIN must be 6 characters in length |
57. | 1066 | New PIN must be 6 characters in length |
58. | 1067 | You can't do settlement |
59. | 1068 | Merchant Transaction Id required |
60. | 1069 | Mobile number required |
61. | 1070 | Please provide valid printer companion |
62. | 1071 | Client private key is needed |
63. | 1072 | Payment Status Not Valid |
64. | 1073 | Printer Disconnect |
65. | 1074 | Printer Error |
66. | 1075 | Please Provide valid QR |
67. | 1076 | Reader Error |
68. | 1077 | Reader Companion Disconnect |
69. | 1078 | Reversal Before Void Error |
70. | 1079 | Login Process Failed |
71. | 1080 | Only send email receipt |
72. | 1081 | Payment Only send receipt, but email not valid |
73. | 1082 | Payment only send receipt, but email empty |
74. | 1083 | Email format not valid |
75. | 1084 | Email and Phone number not valid |
76. | 1085 | Phone number not valid |
77. | 1086 | Email or Phone number is required |
78. | 1087 | Reader process interrupter |
79. | 1088 | GPN is not Enabled |
80. | 1089 | Please provide card processing mode |
81. | 1090 | Please check your transaction history |
82. | 1091 | Phone number is required |
83. | 1101 | Auto transfer mode must not have beneficiary / destination account and bank code filled |
84. | 1102 | Manual transfer mode must not have beneficiary / destination account and bank code filled |
85. | 1103 | Invalid or Empty Bank Code |
86. | 1104 | Invalid or Empty Bank Account Number |
87. | 1054 | Email, username and image path required |
88. | 1105 | Transfer Detail is missing |
89. | 1106 | Transfer Detail is tampered |
90. | 1107 | Debit transfer cancelled |
91. | 1110 | Product installment required |
92. | 1164 | Mandiri Pay Response Required |
93. | 1165 | Gopay QR Response Required |
94. | 1166 | Kredivo Response Required |
95. | 1167 | Dana QR Response Required |
96. | 1168 | Shopee QR Response Required |
97. | 1169 | Transaction can’t be voided, Paid using other wallet |
98. | 1170 | Virtual Account Response Required |
99. | 1171 | To use the payment method minimum amount 10 rbu and max 25jt |
100. | 1172 | To use the payment method minimum amount 10000 and maximum 25000000 |
101. | 1056 | Email and image path required |
102. | 1057 | mail required |
103. | 2001 | Fail to response, please try again |
104. | 2002 | Session is expired |
105. | 2003 | TLE LTWK key download error |
106. | 2004 | TLE Logon download error |
107. | 2012 | Page number is invalid |
108. | 2013 | Transaction Terminated |
109. | 2014 | Timeout |
110. | 2015 | Transaction capk failed |
111. | 2016 | Transaction not ICC |
112. | 2017 | Transaction App Fail |
113. | 2018 | Transaction Device Error |
114. | 2019 | Transaction Application Blocked |
115. | 2020 | Transaction ICC Card Removed |
116. | 2021 | Transaction Card Blocked |
117. | 2022 | Transaction Card not Supported |
118. | 2023 | Transaction Condition not satisfied |
119. | 2024 | Transaction Invalid ICC Data |
120. | 2025 | Transaction missing mandatory data |
121. | 2026 | Transaction no EMV Apps |
122. | 2027 | Declined |
123. | 2028 | Swipe not allowed insert card |
124. | 2029 | Wrong length |
125. | 2030 | PIN Timeout |
126. | 2031 | PIN Canceled |
127. | 2032 | No Card Detected |
128. | 2033 | Card Inserted |
129. | 2034 | Bad Swipe |
130. | 3010 | You have exceeded a maximum number of three (3) attempts. Please contact your Merchant System Administrator |
131. | 3011 | You have exceeded a maximum number of five (5) attempts. Please contact your Merchant System Administrator |
132. | 3012 | You are not authorized to void or settle transactions |
133. | 3020 | Please activate account using another phone /device |
134. | 3021 | Invalid Reader |
135. | 3022 | Please use the same Smart Reader |
136. | 3023 | Invalid phone ID. Please reset your Smart Reader |
137. | 3030 | Reader is not linked to the current merchant |
138. | 3031 | Reader is inactive or suspended. Please insert another reader |
139. | 3032 | Reader malfunction. Please contact our Merchant Hotline for replacement |
140. | 3040 | TID is suspended or not linked to Mobile User |
141. | 3042 | No TID is linked with this mobile user |
142. | 3043 | Application Expired, please update the application |
143. | 3044 | New version is available, please update the application |
144. | 5010 | Invalid login, please try again or contact your Merchant System Administrator |
145. | 5011 | User PIN must be 6 numeric characters |
146. | 5012 | Please do not reuse the last 5 passwords |
147. | 5013 | Invalid activation code. Please try again |
148. | 5014 | Please ensure User ID and User PIN are valid. This will be your last attempt before your account is suspended |
149. | 5015 | User is not active |
150. | 5016 | Activation failed |
151. | 5017 | Mobile user already exists with that name |
152. | 5020 | You are using an outdated application. Please update your version |
153. | 5030 | Unable to find resource you\'re looking for |
154. | 5031 | Password must have 6 numbers |
155. | 5032 | Old password must be different with new password |
156. | 5033 | New password already used before |
157. | 5034 | Wrong password when voiding |
158. | 5035 | You are not authorized to void transactions |
159. | 5036 | Void failed because this user is suspended |
160. | 5037 | Settlement failed because this user is suspended |
161. | 5038 | Invalid format user login. User login can contain alphanumeric, \'.\' (dot), \'-\' (dash), \'_\'(underscore) |
162. | 5039 | Wrong password when settlement |
163. | 5040 | You are not authorized to settle this batch |
164. | 5041 | Failed to do settlement, Kindly contach our merchant hotline |
165. | 5042 | Application Settlement Required |
166. | 5043 | Application Transaction not found |
167. | 3041 | Failed to do settlement, kindly contact our Merchant Hotline |
168. | 3042 | Batch is full, please settle |
169. | 3043 | Unable to find transaction you\'re looking for |
170. | 5110 | Connection Error. Please try again, if the problem persists kindly contact our Merchant Hotline |
171. | 5111 | You have exceeded your daily transaction limit. Please contact our Merchant Hotline |
172. | 5112 | You have exceeded your monthly transaction limit. Please contact our Merchant Hotline |
173. | 5113 | You have exceeded your transaction limit. Please contact our Merchant Hotline |
174. | 5114 | Please verify mobile number |
175. | 5115 | Please verify email |
176. | 5116 | Email or SMS service is currently unavailable. Please contact Merchant Hotline |
177. | 5117 | Your transaction is not allowed by risk management. Please contact our Merchant Hotline |
178. | 5118 | Unable to process payment. Host keys not properly configured |
179. | 5119 | Invalid template SMS |
180. | 5120 | Error while saving data to table |
181. | 5121 | Error while saving data to table |
182. | 5122 | You cannot perform transaction outside permitted location |
183. | 5123 | Your transaction is below than limit per transaction |
184. | 5124 | Your transaction currency is not supported |
185. | 5125 | Transaction amount mismatch between EMV amount and service amount |
186. | 5126 | Transaction is already reversed |
187. | 5127 | No TID supported for current transaction |
188. | 5128 | Merchant disallowed magstripe and signature verification. Please contact support |
189. | 5129 | No aggregator supported for current transaction |
190. | 5130 | Invalid request URL |
191. | 5131 | Card not supported for current transaction |
192. | 5555 | System is currently not available. Please try again later |
193. | 5600 | Transaction must use PIN |
194. | 5601 | Wrong choice of transaction type: please use credit transaction |
195. | 5602 | Wrong choice of transaction type: please use debit transaction |
196. | 5603 | Incorrect PIN |
197. | 5604 | Duplicate Transaction |
198. | 5605 | Application Transaction already Approve |
199. | 5606 | Application Invalid Card |
200. | 8090 | An error has occurred. Please contact our Merchant Hotline |
201. | 8091 | Connection Error. Please try again, if the problem persists kindly contact our Merchant Hotline |
202. | 8092 | Connection Error. Please try again, if the problem persists kindly contact our Merchant Hotline |
203. | 8093 | Batch Upload failed. Please call Help Desk |
204. | 8094 | Connection Error. Please try again, if the problem persists kindly contact our Merchant Hotline |
205. | 9001 | Invalid card |
206. | 9010 | Invalid service name/version |
207. | 9011 | Method invocation error |
208. | 9012 | No Application ID is selected |
209. | 10001 | Service is currently unavailable. Please try again, if the problem persists kindly contact our Merchant Hotline |
210. | 11001 | Reader ID in session and request don’t match |
211. | 11002 | Reader ID does not exist in the concurrent map |
212. | 12001 | Connection between client and host expired, due to cancellation or timeout |
213. | 12002 | Maximum thread limit reached |
214. | 12003 | Thread interrupted in long poller, probably triggered by a forced destroy |
215. | 13001 | Error during encryption/decryption |
216. | 13002 | Error, client disconnected |
217. | 14001 | Connection timed out |
218. | 14002 | Login token could not be created |
219. | 14003 | Login token could not be found or found to be mismatched |
220. | 14004 | Login token expired. |
221. | 15001 | Problem in receiving help message |
222. | 16001 | Requested data is unavailable, if the problem persists kindly contact our Merchant Hotline |
223. | 16002 | State of requested data is invalid, please contact our Merchant Hotline |