Application Programming Interface (API) for Android
4.1 Environtment
- Android Version : 6.0 and above.
4.2 Programming Guide: Request Cashlez Application from Merchant Application
- Normal Payment
- Split Payment
- Cancel
- Warning
- Success
4.2.1 Android
Intent Request From Merchant App to Cashlez via IntentczPackageName:
Intent intent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(czPackageName);
if (intent != null) {
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.MERCHANT_NAME, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AMOUNT, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.DESCRIPTION, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.TRANSACTION_TYPE, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.PAYMENT_NAME, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID, [string]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.EMAIL, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.NO_HANDPHONE, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.PRODUCT_IMAGE, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.SECRETKEY, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.MOBILEUSER_ID, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AGGREGATOR_ID, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AUTOBACKPREF, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AUTO_PRINT, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AUTO_REDIRECT, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.REDIRECT_TIME, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.DISABLE_PRINT_BUTTON, [String]);
} else {
//TODO: Handle Application Not Installed
Intent intent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(czPackageName);
if (intent != null) {
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.MERCHANT_NAME, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AMOUNT, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.DESCRIPTION, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.TRANSACTION_TYPE, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.SECRETKEY, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.MOBILEUSER_ID, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AUTOBACKPREF, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AUTO_PRINT, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.AUTO_REDIRECT, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.REDIRECT_TIME, [String]);
intent.putExtra(CzConstant.DISABLE_PRINT_BUTTON, [String]);
} else {
//TODO: Handle Application Not Installed
4.2.2 Android Input
No. | Name | Description | Example |
1. | TRANSACTION_TYPE pi.field.TRANSACTION_TYPE | MANDATORY (M) String Enumeration Currently only support (Max 30) “SALE”. | SALE |
2. | MERCHANT_NAME | M String Alphanumeric The merchant name registered in cashlez | Pt Cwi |
3. | MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID pi.field.MERCHANT_TRX_ID | M String Alphanumeric The [10,40] merchant transaction identifier. Unique for every transaction of a merchant | TRXID0001 |
4. | AMOUNT | M String Numeric The total Max 12 amount of sale | 50000 |
5. | AMOUNT_EXTRA | FUTURE USE, String Numeric The IGNORED Max 12 amount for tip. Future use. | 10000 |
6. | CURRENCY_CODE | M String ISO 4217 Currently only supports “IDR” | "IDR" |
7. | DESCRIPTION pi.field.DESCRIPTION | OPTIONAL (O) String Text max. Sale or 255 purchase description. | Laptop 4 Pcs |
8. | APP_ID | M String Alphanumeric The APP with "." ID that and "-". calls Max 20 Cashlez App. The unique name and version of the app should be there. | "MerchantApp-1.0" |
9. | EMAIL | OPTIONAL (O) String Text max. 255 Email Address for send receipt | |
10. | NO_HANDPHONE | OPTIONAL (O) String Numeric Max 12 No Handphone for send | 085714666988 |
11. | CASHLEZ_PACKAGE_NAME | M String Text max. 255 The package name that calls Cashlez App. The unique name and version of the app should be there | com.cashlez .android.garuda |
12. | CASHLEZ_TRANSACTION_ID | M (Void) String Numeric Max 20 Transaction ID for void | 8008012305 0916000582 |
13. | SECRETKEY | M (LOGIN AGGREGATOR) String Text max. 255 Server Public Key + Client Private Key Request to Cashlez | |
14. | MOBILEUSER_ID | M (LOGIN AGGREGATOR) String Text max. 40 User ID for login Request to Cashlez | "OUTLETZ USER1" |
15. | AGGREGATOR_ID | M (LOGIN AGGREGATOR) String Text max. 255 Aggregat or ID for login Request to Cashlez | "outletz" |
16. | PAYMENT_NAME | O (OPTIONAL) String Text max.255 Payment Type selected | “DEBIT_OR _CREDIT_CARD ” |
17. | Auto Print | if Boolean true (true/false) | |
18. | Auto Redirect | if Boolean true Redirect Time is required (true/false) if false must Redirect Time must wait 10 seconds | |
19. | Redirect Time | com.cashlez.andandroid.api.field.REDIRECT_TIME Integer (only if Auto redirect active) | |
20. | Disable Print Button | Boolean (true/false) |
public final static String AMOUNT = "";
public final static String MERCHANT_NAME = "";
public final static String DESCRIPTION = "";
public final static String MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID = "";
public final static String CASHLEZ_TRANSACTION_ID = "";
public final static String TRANSACTION_TYPE = "";
public final static String PAYMENT_NAME = "";
public final static String EMAIL = "";
public final static String NO_HANDPHONE = "";
public final static String PRODUCT_IMAGE = "";
public final static String SECRETKEY = "";
public final static String AGGREGATOR_ID = "";
public final static String MOBILEUSER_ID = "";
public final static String AUTOBACKPREF = "";
public final static String AUTO_PRINT = "";
public final static String AUTO_REDIRECT = "";
public final static String REDIRECT_TIME = "";
public final static String DISABLE_PRINT_BUTTON = "";
public static final String ACTION_FINISH_PACKAGE = "FINISH_PACKAGE";
public static final String TRANSACTION = "";
public static final String MESSAGE = "MESSAGE";
public static final String RESULT = "RESULT";
public final static String RES_CANCEL = "Cancel";
Transaction Discontinue/Cancel
public final static String RES_WARNING = "Warning";
Transaction Error
public final static String RES_SUCCESS = "Success";
Payment channel transaction Success
public final static String = "CASH";
public final static String = "CREDIT";
public final static String = "DEBIT";
public final static String = "DEBIT_OR_CREDIT_CARD";
public final static String = "CREDIT_WITH_POINT";
public final static String = "CASHLEZ_LINK";
public final static String = "LINK_AJA";
public final static String = "MINIATM";
public final static String = "INSTALLMENT";
public final static String = "INSTALLMENT|0009|I03|PIN";
public final static String = "INSTALLMENT|0008|I06|SIGNATURE";
public final static String = "INSTALLMENT|0022|I03|PIN";
public final static String = "PREAUTH";
public final static String = "OVO";
public final static String = "GOPAY";
public final static String = "KREDIVO";
public final static String = "DANA";
public final static String = "EMONEY";
public final static String = "CARD_MOCK";
public final static String = "VA_TRANSFER";
public final static String = "SHOPEE_PAY";
public final static String = "ARTAJASA_VA";
public final static String = "PERMATA_VA";
public final static String = "BCA_VA";
public final static String = "VOSPAY";
public final static String = "GOMOBILE";
public final static String = "ATOME";
public final static String = "NOBU_QR_DYNAMIC";
public final static String = "INDODANA";
public final static String = "CASHBACK";
Direct Installment
If needed, installment can be selected directly bypassing the selection of bank and installment period selection page. This can be done by using specially formatted payment method.
Bank Code available
0008 - MANDIRI
0009 - BNI
0022 - CIMB
Available Verification Mode
As not all devices available to be used using card payment, it is possible to receive a mock up for card payment by using payment name as follows
public static final String CARD_MOCK = "CARD_MOCK";
Use the following amount for mock result
failed result (incorrect PIN, etc)
success result
Other amount -> cancel response
4.3 Programming Guide: Capture Response Data from Cashlez App
4.3.1 Android
To capture the response data from Cashlez app, you need to receive broadcast with action name equals finish_pkg
as below;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(CzConstant.ACTION_FINISH_PACKAGE)) {
String result = intent.getExtras().getString(CzConstant.RESULT);
String message = intent.getExtras().getString(CzConstant.MESSAGE);
switch (result != null ? result : CzConstant.RES_CANCEL) {
case CzConstant.RES_WARNING:
case CzConstant.RES_CANCEL:
case CzConstant.RES_SUCCESS:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (intent.hasExtra(CzConstant.TRANSACTION)){
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
if (bundle.get(CzConstant.TRANSACTION) instanceof ArrayList){
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> listResponse = (ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>) bundle.get(CzConstant.TRANSACTION);
for (int i = 0; i < listResponse.size(); i++){
for (ResponseDataEnum response : ResponseDataEnum.values()) {
if (response.getValue() != null){
sb.append("Response Tag: ").append(response.getValue()).append(", ")
.append("Value: ").append(listResponse.get(i).get(response.getValue())).append("\n");
} else if (bundle.get(CzConstant.TRANSACTION) instanceof HashMap){
HashMap<String, String> responseMap = (HashMap<String, String>)intent.getSerializableExtra(CzConstant.TRANSACTION);
for (ResponseDataEnum response : ResponseDataEnum.values()) {
sb.append("Response Tag: ").append(response.getValue()).append(", ")
.append("Value: ").append(responseMap.get(response.getValue())).append("\n");
Log.d(TAG, sb.toString());
//TODO: Handle Response String
When QR payment (GOPAY, OVO, LinkAja, Kredivo) is cancelled, it will go to Success
, to check whether transaction is really success or cancelled, approvedAmount
will be null when transaction is cancelled while not null when transaction is paid.
4.3.2 Android Output
No. | Name | Condition Type | Data Type | Format Description | Example |
1. | RESPONSE_CODE | M | String Numeric | With 6 characters length 000000 for SUCCESS and 000001 for HOST_REJECTED Note: Refer to New Table: List of Available Response Code | 000000 |
2. | HOST_RESPONSE_CODE | C | String Alphanumeric | ISO 8583 DE 39 L (C) - if Length 2 Response code transaction reached issuer. | 00 , 51 , 55 , etc |
3. | ERROR_MESSAGE | C | String Alphanumeric | if error String Text Max.255 The human occurred readable error message. Currently only support English. | You have exceeded limit (defined in VAPN) |
4. | APP_ID | M | String Alphanumeric | The Cashlez App with "." and ID, the unique "-". Max 20 name and version of the app is returned. | Cashlez App 1.0 |
No. | Name | Condition Type | Data Type | Format Description | Example |
5. | APPROVAL_CODE | C | String Alphanumeric | The approval Max 8 & code from HOST. | 152359 |
6. | APPROVAL_STATUS | M | String Alphanumeric | Approval Status Max 3 from Cashlez | 100 |
7. | CASHLEZ_TRANSACTION_ID | C | String Alphanumeric | Cashlez Length 20 transaction identifier. Unique for every transaction. | TXID00034 |
8. | MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID | M | String Alphanumeric | The merchant [10,40] transaction identifier. Unique for every transaction of a merchant. | 000001 |
9. | BATCH_NO | C | String Numeric | The number of the Length 6. Batch where the transaction will be settled. | 1 |
10. | APPROVED_AMOUNT | C | String Numeric | Max The total amount 12 that is approved. | 50000 |
11. | APPROVED_AMOUNT_EXTRA | String Numeric | String Numeric. Max 12 The amount for tip that is approved. FUTURE USE, IGNORED Future use | 10000 | |
12. | APPROVED_CURRECY_CODE | C | String | ISO 4217 Currently only support “IDR” | "IDR" |
13. | PAYMENT_TYPE | C | String Enumeration | Payment type we call select from Max. 10 Enumeration. | DEBIT , CREDIT , CASH |
14. | MASKED_PAN | C | String Numeric | Max The masked credit 19 card number. | 512676**** 7667** |
15. | RRN | C | String Alphanumeric | Retrieval Max 12 reference number. Acquirer reference number, the unique number of a transaction given by the acquirer bank. Usually used as reference during chargeback | "0123456789 AB" |
16. | TRANSACTION_DATETIME | C | String | DD/MM/YYYY Transaction date hh:mm:ss.sss and time in 24-Hour format | 17/08/2015 23:59:59 |
17. | ACQUIRER_BANK_NAME | C | String | Text Max. 50 Registered bank name in Cashlez | "Bank Cashlez" |
18. | EMAIL | C | String | Text Email Address for customer | |
19. | NO_HANDPHONE | C | String | Text Phone Number for customer | 08121122334455 |
20. | LATITUDE | M | String Text | Transaction Location | -0.123456 |
21. | LONGITUDE | M | String Text | Transaction Location | 12.123456 |
22. | REDEEMED_AMOUNT | C | String Text | Amount used during the transaction for the point transaction | 12000 |
23. | REDEEMED_POINT | C | String Text | Point Used on the transaction | 500 |
24. | BALANCE_AMOUNT | C | String Text | Remaining point balance in Rupiah (BNI) | 6000 |
25. | BALANCE_POINT | C | String Text | C String Text Remaining point balance in point (CIMB) | 6000 |
26. | EXPIRED_DATE | M | String Text | yyyy-MM-dd VA Number expiry HH:mm:ss time | 2020-11-05 23:59:59 |
27. | VA_NUMBER | M | String Text | Test VA Number generated | 7011010057280001 |